Doesn't correctly include quoted user's name

edited July 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Just updated to 1.6.1 from 1.2.2, and new quotes don't correctly contain the quoted post author's name. The resulting HTML looks like this:

<div class="QuoteAuthor"><a href="/profile/" rel="nofollow"></a> said:</div>

Something's not catching. This is using BBCode as my parser, on Vanilla 2.1a (pulled from master 2-3 days ago). Any suggestions? What additional info can I provide to help troubleshoot?


  • OnlyAnExcuseOnlyAnExcuse ✭✭
    edited September 2012

    I'm having the same problem, using Vanilla 2.1a and using BBCode to parse, same as LeeH. The actual quote is there, but it isn't attributing it to a user.

    When you click Quote, what does appear (as BBCode) is this: (i've removed the square brackets so it doesn't format to HTML on here)

    quote="Errapolis;8139"]It isn't working[/quote

    My quotes are posted with the following HTML:

    <div class="QuoteAuthor">
    <a rel="nofollow" href="/profile/"></a>

    Anyone shed a light?

  • Turn off your WYSIWYG editor.

    It breaks the syntax

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