Doesn't correctly include quoted user's name

Just updated to 1.6.1 from 1.2.2, and new quotes don't correctly contain the quoted post author's name. The resulting HTML looks like this:
<div class="QuoteAuthor"><a href="/profile/" rel="nofollow"></a> said:</div>
Something's not catching. This is using BBCode as my parser, on Vanilla 2.1a (pulled from master 2-3 days ago). Any suggestions? What additional info can I provide to help troubleshoot?
I'm having the same problem, using Vanilla 2.1a and using BBCode to parse, same as LeeH. The actual quote is there, but it isn't attributing it to a user.
When you click Quote, what does appear (as BBCode) is this: (i've removed the square brackets so it doesn't format to HTML on here)
quote="Errapolis;8139"]It isn't working[/quote
My quotes are posted with the following HTML:
Anyone shed a light?
Turn off your WYSIWYG editor.
It breaks the syntax