Class GDN not found in bootstrap.php (line 47) error

Getting error 'Class GDN not found error in "/forum/vanilla/bootstrap.php on line 47", after upgrading to the latest version of Vanilla. The cache has been cleared (as was suggested in other threads), but the error still persists (site:
Any suggestions?
So... I see that the forum is working at the moment? That means you resolved / reinstalled vanilla?
Did you upgrade from Vanilla 1 or did you Did you upgrade from 2.0.x to ??
There was an error rendering this rich post.
I upgraded from 2.0.x to The forum is fine, except that
a. one cannot comment [throwing 'Class Gdn not found' error]
b. login/registration is throwing 'Class Gdn not found' error
Any suggestion on this issue? Still exists (cleared the cache)
I haven't seen this type of bug in Vanilla. Try the following.
Make triple sure you've deleted *.ini in your /cache folder.
Make triple sure you've actually copied all of the vanilla files to your new forum.
Make triple sure your web server has permission to read all of the files.
Disable your plugins one-by-one to see if a plugin could be conflicting with your setup.