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this functions promises. false= updates only icon not image. in reality it's upside down. false= updates only image not icon. how to change? Maurice Krijtenberg or Nader Cserny could change it?
define( "UseUploadedPictureAlsoForIcon", true ); // this writes the path of the icon into the database field "picture", so one picture is used for both displays, icon and picture. you can set this to false if you don't want this to happen.
// Update user account
$IconPath = "http://" . agDOMAIN . "/images/avatars/" . $Avatar->AuthUserID . "." . $file_ext;
$s = $this->Context->ObjectFactory->NewContextObject($this->Context, "SqlBuilder");
$s->SetMainTable("User", "u");
$s->AddFieldNameValue("Picture", $IconPath );
// HACK by if switch for using the icon also as a picture
if( UseUploadedPictureAlsoForIcon == true ) {
$NewImgTarget = str_replace($Avatar->AuthUserID . "." . $file_ext, "icon_" . $Avatar->AuthUserID . "." . $file_ext, $target);
// HACK: resize the icon too (07.12.05)
resize($target, $NewImgTarget, 32, 32, 87);
$IconSaveLoc = str_replace($Avatar->AuthUserID . "." . $file_ext, "icon_" . $Avatar->AuthUserID . "." . $file_ext, $IconPath);
$s->AddFieldNameValue("Icon", $IconSaveLoc);
$s->AddWhere("UserID", $Avatar->AuthUserID, "=");
$this->Context->Database->Update($this->Context, $s, $this->Name, "SaveAvatar", "An error occurred while attempting to update the avatar data.");
} else {
$this->Context->ErrorManager->AddError($this->Context, $this->Name, "SaveAvatar", "Could not upload avatar image.");
return true;
This discussion has been closed.
I tried finding a way to just get it to work right, but couldnt. I think I found out why though and I'll try to look into this further but I cant guarantee I'll come up with a solution. One thing I can say though is that once the file is uploaded it would be safe to chmod it to 644 because I'm not allowed to delete any of the uploaded files through ftp - permission denied. I'm gonna have to do it through shell.