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Allow non-members to view user account page

edited April 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi all!

I don't know if this has been discussed before, but here goes anyways.

Would it be possible to add a forum option where the administrator can choose not to allow non-members to view the user account page? I mean, if I publicly display my e-mail address and the account page is open for anyone, isn't there a possibility that the address could fall into the wrong hands, eg. spammers?

I'm just trying to be cautious here, that's all. Can anyone shed som light on this?


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Well, I write the email addresses with javascript so they are obfuscated from crawlers. But yes, you can certainly write an extension to do that. It's not in the core, though.
  • Thanks for sharing that, Mark. Unfortunately I'm more or less inept when it comes to coding, so I can only hope that someone with better skills will write an extension for this.
    edited April 2006
    If the only reason you want to hide the profiles is because of spammers then like Mark said crawlers can't read them anyway. So that's not a problem.
  • Well, stopping spammers was just an example. There might be cases where the account page contains private information that should only be available to registered users.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • Wow, that was fast! The extension is working great!

    Thanks, Mark!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    No problem. I would have preferred to make it take you to the account page but not display anything and show an error explaining why you can't see the page, but this was easier and I haven't got a lot of time. So there's version 1 for you.
This discussion has been closed.