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When i activate Email.NewDiscussion in AdvancedNotifications, comments email are sending too

solonovasolonova New
edited 2012 09 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

If my users select ['Notifications']['Email.NewDiscussion'] but not ['Notifications']['Email.NewComment'] in preferences, the result is both notifications are sending (when new discussions and when new comments in any place of forum).

I have other issue, when admin or moderators post a new discussion or comment in private categories, its emailing to all users that have ['Notifications']['Email.NewDiscussion'] activated.

I am using version.

Could somebody help me please. Thanks a lot


  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited 2012 09

    follow this

    AdvancedNotifications - does have multiple problems.
    I think you have also presented some more bugs that haven't been mentioned before
    suggest you add to github.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Thank you peregrine.

  • Hi Solonova,

    I know this is an old thread, but I just ran into the issue too, and figured out what was happening. See this comment for the full story. The short story is that this has been fixed in 2.1 and trunk, but is still broken in 2.0 branch.

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