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The letter confirmation of email gets to spam

After registration the letter with email confirmation should come. And so it comes and gets to spam.
What it is necessary to make that the letter with confirmation didn't get to spam? In what there can be a reason?
После регистрации должно приходить письмо с подтверждением email. Так вот оно приходит и попадает в спам.
Что нужно сделать чтобы письмо с подтверждением не попадало в спам? В чем может быть причина?
Sorry, accidentally created two identical threads.
I just did not have thrown out the window with the theme I created for the first time, then pressed a second time and again is not transferred to the newly created topic. The third time I was blocked because of spam. This problem just me?
Извините, случайно создал 2 одинаковые темы.
Меня просто не перебросило в окно с темой которую я создал в первый раз, потом нажал второй раз и опять не перебросило во вновь созданную тему. В третий раз меня заблокировали из-за спама. Такая проблема только у меня?
this happen same to me, in hotmail they recognised it as spam but in gmail it was not in spam list
May be
spam is sending from your shared hosting and then blacklisted by your mail service
The duplicate discussion is taken care of :-) now you have only 1 discussion left about this topic :-)
There was an error rendering this rich post.
It is more complicated. There are various ways of sending messages fake mail, smtp, etc. Depend on context either of these could be more suspicious.
Heuristics will take into consideration the connection of the message the subject line, etc. General patterns in behaviour, and like Pamela said the domain itself.
Smtp used to have credibility, till cheap host were taken over my spammer, now the reverse is often true. Now some cheap host only offer fake mail now, which is ironic as this used to be the the common vector for spammers.
Since you can use pretty much any smtp service like gmail, you can experiment which works best.
grep is your friend.
If you use your own domain as a sender, set up things like DKIM or Sender-id/SPF so if the recipient domain is using those too to verify authenticity, you get bonus points, hence it might keep you out spam folder.