Wordpress Comment Integration - How to display only forum discussion link?

cbabercbaber New
edited August 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I have enabled the Vanilla comment system on my wordpress blog but the comment forum looks like crap. Basically, the comment box displays correctly but it inserts tons of white space below the comment box. So it extends the page much more than needed and does not look good. Why is this?

My question was is there some way I can just get rid of the comment box and put in its place a simple URL to the discussion on the forum? Vanilla automatically creates a discussion for my wordpress posts so is there some way I can just insert some code that displays a link to the correct discussion on the forum, instead of the comment box below my wordpress posts?


  • It is done by scraping. it first looks for a description meta tag. If not it tries to find the first viable paragraph, so different layouts can cause problems. Best best is to use a plugin which a clear description tag is added to the post.

    grep is your friend.

  • How do i get rid of the openid comment box on my blog its embedded I really want to use a comment box that looks more user friendly i think people are scared to comment on my openid comment box because they have to put so much info there in order to even leave a comment so i think they just dont bother. Thats not working so I need something user friendly, and i need to figure out how to uninstall and un-embed the open id comment box

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