how to speed up the vanilla on my localhost PC?*

edited August 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

i think have different between and
if i wrong , correct me
i installed and i compare with my vanilla is very lazy !
of course this is a business. is optimized and vision of deployment
is there any way to gain up of load speed ?
i know any load time downloaded very js file without caching on browser
must be one time js files that loaded cached for later time
do you have any idea for optimization ?


  • lucluc ✭✭

    First, the community forum is running a 2.1 "alpha" version, not a very old as available on the download link.
    I've upgraded last week, and it is definitely faster, even on my very private forum of 2 people :)

    Second, the community forum is surely hosted similar to this: hence, taking advantage of memcache, etc...
    Even if they are optimisations to use a memcache cache in the code, I'm not sure how to "activate" it, or it does it by itself if php-memcache is available.

  • mcu_hqmcu_hq ✭✭✭

    I've used eaccelerator with good success. All I had to do in my case was install it using package manager and then add a few lines in the php.ini file. It cut down load times from 1s to 150ms. Your results may differ obviously. Also, probably a good idea to cache your landing site so that its pretty much static. Have it refresh every 10m or whatever you desire.

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