how to optimize your vanilla forums

edited August 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

vanilla forums is fine at start but when it grows....
i've tested and proven it, that self-hosted vanilla is fine at start but when you scale, it's a pain in the arse.

i'd like to know with developers and some of experienced users, how to optimize their forums my forum has 1.5k threads and 79k comments and it's casually going down due to large amount of resources being used and/or processor use.

i've transfered from shared hosting to VPS hosting up until to 3.5ghz dual processor VPS hosting with 1024mb ram. . . still it's too much. hosting it with vanilla is fine but my website cant support an expensive hosting.

thoughts from anyone would be greatly appreciated..


  • lucluc ✭✭

    nginx/php-fpm php-xcache or php-apc?
    Is mysql tuned sufficently to do most stuff from cache, check with mysqltuner.

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