[Solved] Mad One, the scroll bar has disapeared from the side of the browser

misifimisifi New
edited August 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Anyone got the faintest idea how I achieved this and how I can put it right? I have installed some plugins and I have tried disabling them to see if it was one of these but no joy. The up and down arrows on the keyboard do the trick but I would like a more professional solution.

Thanks in advance
A. Novice Moron


  • Solved it. For the record it was the Google calendar plugin that caused it.

  • lucluc ✭✭

    misifi said:
    Solved it. For the record it was the Google calendar plugin that caused it.

    Indeed. That's the correct way to go.
    As soon as something strange happens on a forum, disable plugins to check
    If it solves the issue, then enable one by one to find out the culprit.

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