80 USD to whomever finishes this plugin. Must be done by Monday Morning PST.

The files can be found in this thread: PersonalRatingPlugin
Third comment down there is a zip file that is the plugin package.
I am offering 80 USD via paypal upon completion. It must be done by Monday. please respond if you are interested.
I will give more details about the project upon acceptance.
This is difficult for me to do. But I must admit I am in over my head on this project. I am slowly trudging ahead, however, not at the pace I'd hoped. If anyone wants to negotiate a price I am willing to raise it and discuss a reasonable time frame based on the developers (your) analysis.
I fixed it. This can be closed.
congrats. look forward to seeing it in the add-ons
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I still have some work to do cleaning up the code and adding some pretty css stuff. It should be up on Monday. Thanks again for all your words. Simplifying was the key to designing and writing this one.
Honestly, I feel bad for not helping you out with that. I'd really like to help out other developers as the highest priority. If anyone is in development of a plugin, feel free to mention me in the question. If anyone monitors the forum and sees a development question that need answering please give me a mention and I'll do my best to help out.
@Todd , thanks man. I will mention you in future posts. You have a great piece of software here! I really ejoyed reading the code. I noticed there is a dev catagory. Would it be better to post questions of this nature there?
Yes it would. I just added you to the developer role so you can post there.