Czech plural forms and gender suffix

I've been trying to translate vanilla forum for a while and I have 2 issues:
1. Czech language has 3 plural forms, to fix that I wrote this function (/forum/locales/cs-CZ/definitions.php
if(!function_exists('Plural')){ function Plural($Number, $Singular, $Plural) { $Result = null; if ($Number == 1) { $Result = Gdn::Translate($Singular, $Singular); } else if ($Number < 5) { $Result = Gdn::Translate('2'.$Plural, $Plural); } else { $Result = Gdn::Translate('5'.$Plural, $Plural); } return $Result; } }
and inserted these definitions in the same file:
$Definition['%s comment'] = '%s komentář'; $Definition['2%s comments'] = '%s komentáře'; $Definition['5%s comments'] = '%s komentářů';
Looks good, now I see "1 komentář", "2 komentáře", "10 komentářů" in vanilla.
Then I tried doing the same with %s discussion
. So I just wrote a few definitions:
$Definition['%s discussion'] = '%s diskuzi'; $Definition['2%s discussions'] = '%s diskuze'; $Definition['5%s discussions'] = '%s diskuzí';
And the result? Instead of "1 diskuzi", "2 diskuze", "10 diskuzí" I'm getting "%s diskuzi", "%s diskuze" in vanilla (with that "%s" instead of a number). The same problem applies for other strings that have more plural forms, but not for the "comment" plurals. I don't know what the "Gdn::Translate" function exactly does (I haven't found any documentation) so it's almost impossible to fix it (for me).
2. I've read that the variable "%9$s" represents gender suffix. I added these deffinitions:
$Definition['GenderSuffix.First.f'] = 'a'; $Definition['GenderSuffix.First.m'] = ''; $Definition['GenderSuffix.Third.f'] = 'a'; $Definition['GenderSuffix.Third.m'] = '';
and tried to edit one line from this:
$Definition['%1$s sent you a %8$s.'] = '%1$s poslal(a) %8$s';
to this:
$Definition['%1$s sent you a %8$s.'] = '%1$s poslal%9$s %8$s';
but that doesn't work.
Vanilla version: