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The addons sticky was commented on by lech...but not...

edited May 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Is it just me or is lech listed as a commenter under the addons sticky (which is now closed and only has 1 post - marks) I'm assuming this is a whisper bug of some kind...?


  • edited May 2006
    Also look at the Vanilla Dev forum up and running sticky. I think I was in the thread before it was locked, so it looked like I could reply, but when I actually replied it was locked and my name is on the main page because of that, but my reply isn't in the thread itself.
  • haha, that's wierd too. i checked that thread and completely didnt notice! *goes back to bed*
  • /me haxed vanilla
  • I think I know what may have screwed up there. I do believe that thread had several comments (mine which was probably last) and mark deleted them all just to make it into a "news post" before closing it. I don't think vanilla recursivly checks on delete to see who was the "real" last poster (it should be mark if there's only one post) so it's still showing me there. I probably would have missed this entirely, perhaps when deleting "last posts" vanilla should do a quick compare to see who technically holds the last post (if any). Mark?
  • Sounds about right.
  • Touche. I didnt have swell open after i got back from holiday.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I've sorted the bug out, I think. It had to do with hiding comments.

    What a frickin nightmare.

    I also found two new bugs in the process, and I have NOT fixed those yet. I have to get to work on my "work" project's deadline.
  • *sends beer and hookers to marks house
  • Those will just put him even further behind...
  • and his wife wouldn't like it :)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    How do you think I met her?
  • Did you just call your wife a hooker?
  • What else is he gonna call her? Slut and Whore are harsh words.
  • /me hopes marks wife doesn't read this thread.
  • edited May 2006
    Unless she actually is a hooker...
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    hahaha - I can't believe I wrote that.
  • Look at the bright side, she'll probably only get 75% of your stuff if you find a decent lawyer.
  • Mark really aught to spend less of his time drunk huh?
  • Also i notice the comment box text has changed. isnt it still different to the rest of the site? I'm tired and confused.
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