I noticed that when Candy is active, Vanilla forums Search function bonks!

zhlousekzhlousek New
edited August 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I noticed that when Candy is active, Vanilla forums Search function bonks!
Turning Candy off, restores search back to normal!
Anyone knows why? If yes, is there a simple solution?


  • try doing what is suggested when you get a bonk - and it may provide a clue.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Thanks peregrine.
    I did turn on the debugger and I know, I think, what causes the problem - search fails when lookup is done on tables that belong to Candy application.

    Error message says that certain table does not exist.
    It is a temporary table, I believe, created during the search.

    I can post the whole error message if you would be kind to look at it.

    In my initial post/question I was more interested to find out if anyone else noticed the problem I reported.

  • @S

    grep is your friend.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited August 2012

    @zhlousek said:
    Thanks peregrine.
    I did turn on the debugger and I know, I think, what causes the problem - search fails when lookup is done on tables that belong to Candy application.

    Error message says that certain table does not exist.
    It is a temporary table, I believe, created during the search.

    I can post the whole error message if you would be kind to look at it.

    In my initial post/question I was more interested to find out if anyone else noticed the problem I reported.

    you might as well post the whole error message - it may help @S in helping you.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • SS ✭✭
    The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns

    Vanilla search model is changing every day :(

  • SS ✭✭

    Fixed in 0.34.

  • @S posted a fix.
    I'll try it out and see what happens.


  • Sorry to report but Candy, version 0.34, still bonks the search
    Attached file contains debug info.
    System info is:
    Vanilla version
    PHP version 5.3.13
    OS Linux
    Webserver Apache

    I hope info I am providing helps.


  • SS ✭✭

    This debug trace shows error:

    Table 'vf_f2012_151s02.GDN__TBL_' doesn't exist
    select * from GDN__TBL_ s, GDN_Pocket Pocket
    order by s.DateInserted desc, Location, Sort, Name asc
    limit 20

    It comes from Pockets plugin.
    Are you hacked it by adding something like SearchModel_AfterBuildSearchQuery_Handler() ?

  • I noticed that too.

    I didn't hack the pocket's plugin but a curious fact is that the moment I turn off candy search works fine. I'll try turning off pockets with candy on to see if that gives different result.

    I'll report back.


  • zhlousekzhlousek New
    edited August 2012

    With Pockets off and candy running, search gave a red warning box on the search result page.
    Sorry for the messy output below but that's how it came on the page.
    I can run the debugger is that would help.

    Thanks again for your time.

    The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes|Gdn_Database|Query|select * from ( select match(d.Name, d.Body) against(:Search0) asRelavence, d.DiscussionID asPrimaryID, d.Name asTitle, d.Body asSummary, d.Format asFormat, d.CategoryID asCategoryID, concat('/discussion/', d.DiscussionID) asUrl, d.DateInserted asDateInserted, d.InsertUserID asUserIDfrom GDN_Discussion d where match(d.Name, d.Body) against (:Search1) union all select match(c.Body) against(:Search2) asRelavence, c.CommentID asPrimaryID, d.Name asTitle, c.Body asSummary, c.Format asFormat, d.CategoryID asCategoryID, concat('/discussion/comment/', c.CommentID, '/#Comment_', c.CommentID) asUrl, c.DateInserted asDateInserted, c.InsertUserID asUserIDfrom GDN_Comment c join GDN_Discussion d on d.DiscussionID = c.DiscussionID where match(c.Body) against (:Search3) union all select match(s.Name) against(:Search4) asRelavence, s.SectionID asPrimaryID, s.Name asTitle, Null asSummary, "Text" asFormat, Null asCategoryID, coalesce(s.Url, s.URI, s.RequestUri) asUrl, Now() asDateInserted, 0 asUserID, 'Section' asRecordTypefrom GDN_Section s where match(s.Name) against (:Search5) union all select match(Title, Body) against(:Search6) asRelavence, PageID asPrimaryID, Title, Body asSummary, Format, Null asCategoryID, concat('/content/page/', PageID) asUrl, DateInserted, 0 asUserID, 'Page' asRecordTypefrom GDN_Page Page where match(Title, Body) against (:Search7) union all select match(Name, Body) against(:Search8) asRelavence, ChunkID asPrimaryID, Name asTitle, Body asSummary, "xHtml" asFormat, Null asCategoryID, Url, DateInserted, 0 asUserID, 'Chunk' asRecordTypefrom GDN_Chunk Chunk where match(Name, Body) against (:Search9) ) s order by s.DateInserted desc limit 20

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