Vanilla Open Source - Still Alive ? Question to Vanilla Devs
Hey guys.... I have a question. Are you still planning to continue & support Vanilla Forum Development in this Open Source section ? I really like it - just got our new community forum... but I have few problems for ex. regarding user synchronization with WordPress.
I really look forward to some new updates, do you have any RoadPlan for Vanilla ?
any one ? Plugins are mostly old, no support from devs? No new versions ? No point then investing time in that one ?
Someone just asked a related question.
@Butcher: I am a regular user like yourself, but I believe I can answer your question.
Vanillaforums is being developed, just take a look at their develop branch at Github
Last commit was 3 days ago, and there's a ton more if you scroll through.
Can't answer anything about how the community of plugin developers is faring though.