some default.master.tpl files and the main menu

sottwellsottwell New
edited August 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

In the default applications/dashboard/views default.master.tpl the main menu is built using the $this->Menu->AddLink function. However, the theme I'm trying to customize, Nebula, uses a different structure altogether.

It has an unordered list with items like {dashboard_link} and {discussions_link}. Where are these defined? How does one go about customizing this menu?

Other themes use this same structure, such as the EmbedFriendly and mobile themes that come with the installation.


  • I finally tracked it down in the SmartyPlugins folder, and added a {home_link} to my default.master.tpl file, but should I be modifying these Smarty plugins? Can they be overridden like the default Vanilla views are?

  • I posted a comment on your other thread relating to smarty.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited August 2012

    you could paste a homemade function like this in the



    <?php if (!defined('APPLICATION')) exit();
    function smarty_function_mysigninout_link($Params, &$Smarty) {
       $Wrap = GetValue('wrap', $Params, 'li');  
       return Gdn_Theme::Link('signinout',
          GetValue('text', $Params, ''),
          GetValue('format', $Params, Wrap('<a href="%url" class="%class mysigninout">%text</a>', $Wrap)));

    then you could call it from default.master.tpl

    with this


    it would add the class mysigninout to the list of classes.

    the %class is just a placehoder that gets string replaced with $Class

    $Class gets acted upon in class.theme.php depending on the parameter e.g. activity signin - it add the appropriate class which in the case of signin is
    "SignInPopup" which allows the signin popup to occur.

    if however the line in you function said this

     GetValue('format', $Params, Wrap('<a href="%url" class="mysigninout">%text</a>', $Wrap)));

    there would be no %class and consequently SignInPopup class wouldn't be assigned and the signin page would not be a popup but a normal non-popup signin page.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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