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For Kosmo (I think)

gigingergiginger New
edited May 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I think it was Kosmo who started a thread about the Teaser trailer..
Pirates of the Carribean II - Proper Trailer

The proper trailer has apparently leaked and here it is.


  • It looks good, but why is he fighting against Cthulhu?
  • It does look good. I can only assume that it was the most prevalent sea monster in their mind. Better than Moby Dick though.
  • edited May 2006
    Also, new Superman trailer, which looks pretty nice.
  • That looks damn nice! Really looking forward to that film. They made a wise decision in ignoring Parts III and IV of the first ones.
  • I have already seen the Pirates of the Caribbean 2 trailer (what kind of a Johnny Depp fanboy would I be if I didn't) I like the idea of Superman movie, but hate how they disgarded Kevin Smiths script where Doomsday killed Supes and then he came back more powerful than ever, now that would have been a RETURN. But anywho, I'm really looking forward of seeing three of my favourite things in a movie, Master Depp, Cthulhu and Pirates WHOOO!! Maybe we will see pirate babies, UNDEAD ONES!
  • there's also :
  • Well when I posted this it wasn't out. Sodding internet. I read Smiths script but I wasn't impressed. It was a bit cheesey. The idea was awesome but the actual way it was done just didn't work for me.
  • Have you read the arch where supes is killed? It IS very cheesy, an excellent example of early 90's comicbook writing. Besides, it's supes we are talking here, one of the worst comicbook characters in the history of man (of steel and otherwise), how good of a story can be when the protagonist is invulnerable and has more powers than god. And how can you make a RETURN of Superman without him going anywhere, and if you ask me, death is the most "going somewhere" than anything else. I hate when comicbook movies invent the their own stories completely separate from the mainstory and alter the stories to fit for the movie drama.
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