404 Not Found in popup notifications (admin and frontend)

I have a strange problem - popup notification returns error 404.
using nginx + pfpfcgi with this nginx config - http://vanillaforums.org/discussion/comment/157364/
it looks like this, for example
Will appreciate any help
Everything works ok, except pop ups
As say google chrome, url of 404 file is
I don't have this folder
anybody, help, please
Really need help.
I can not find where the problem is. any ideas?
I don't have any answer since I don't use nginx - but you might get more help if you provide your version of vanilla and possibly the theme you are using.
I believe it refers to (unless I am corrected)
public function Inform() {
notifications is the controller - inform is the function
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I will try to look at class.notificationscontroller.php, but i don't think that I'll find there anything - I'm designer, not programmer
just hope that somebody had this problem already, and solved it.
Version with any theme (now using default).
all messages are displayed correctly (for ex. "Draft saved...") except the first one. I even don't know, what should be in this message. It does not dissapears itself, I need to close it manually. Could this be a message about new unread posts for example?
don't know if it is important - I have imported data from simple:press
maybe also important - this notification appears both at frontend and in dashboard
Found answer
just need to delete or comment two lines in config
location /dashboard/notifications/inform { access_log off; log_not_found off; }
location /settings/analyticstick.json { access_log off; log_not_found off; }