Why does editing a comment using CLEditor cause font-size variations?

When I edit a comment it seems to throw a <span> around some text near my edit, with a smaller font-size styled into it.
I'm often seeing users with small lines of text, and I assume it's where the same has happened to their posts.
This can't be seen in the comment box as you type, so the only way to correct it is to go into the HTML view and manually remove it there. But of course most people don't know that it's happened or why it's happened, so they don't.
With this, random font-family changes as well, and YouTube URLs not converting to embeds properly when pasted in, CLEditor seems to be a fairly buggy plugin.
The truth of the matter is that wysiwyg editing in browsers is buggy. The various wysiwyg editors out there try and handle as many of these bugs as possible and some to a better job than others.
@nicepaul The problem is with the global font. If you do not change the font size or edit the font at all the post comes out using the font size and color you have chosen for the posts. If the font of the posts css is not the same in the cleditor css (without formatting) you will have a discrepancy and the user will see this in the preview and will think that is how it will look then have to edit afterwards. You must adjust the preview font also so it matches the global post size font. That is a way to calibrate everything so you know what is going to look like across the board.
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