Add thumbnails to topics list?
Since I see Vanilla with more social potential than what is intended for, an forum solution, or maybe an questions and answers site, is there a possibility that every topic/question from the list to have a thumbnail asociated if the topic/question has a photo in it?
As far as I saw it is a plugin in the addons section but what it does is to show the user's thumbnail/avatar with the excerpt.
Any help appreciated.
write a plugin that shows the thumbnail in the discussion topics page.
You have to decide who the thumbnail is going to be - author or last commenter.
either way shouldn'be to hard to modify author time view plugin if you want to - to prepend the photo thumbnail of the repsective author or loast commenter, if I get your gist correctly.
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@peregrine: Dude, there is already a plugin for that. I want to output a thumbnail based on an image uploaded in the topic(or separately), like wordpress post featured image
same answer. write a plugin prepend the thumbnail.
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