LOCALE different from default EN-CA breaks the control panel of Sphinx

nfalconenfalcone New
edited September 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

with locale IT in the control panel (see screenshot attached) nothing works




  • mcu_hqmcu_hq ✭✭✭
    edited September 2012

    are just the button names different? Does it work with default locale as in the main search is powered by sphinx?

  • for greater understanding i've performed for the following test (with the searched running):

    • set locale to Italian (it-IT)
    • click button to stop sphinx and sphinx nothing happens
    • changed some parameters of config and from control panel clicked button to upgrade config and nothing happens
    • click buttons of index (main, delta, ecc) and nothing happens

    so the difference is non only cosmetic but with my locale (IT) control panel wont works


  • mcu_hqmcu_hq ✭✭✭
    edited September 2012

    All customer facing text has its associated translation in the plugin's locale folder for EN-CA. If you want to change it to Italian, you should be able to put in your translations in a separate file. The control panel has all of its text in English with no current support for translations. When you change the locale to something else, like Italian, the button's value is also being changed to "Action". Because of this, I suspect that the values in POST and GET are being populated with the generic "Action" text instead of expected values like "IndexMain" and "Shutdown". I'm not sure why this Vanilla does this though....

    I'll see if I can get a fix in the next version, but for now I would enable sphinx in EN-CA and then switch locales since sphinx should run on its own until you shut it off.

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