Vanilla 2.1a test on localhost goes awry

I installed the 2.1a on my local machine to give it a go. Initially everything looked good but then there were issues.
-- The first one was this:
As you can see all the styling had vanished. This did not happen at first, actually when I reloaded the application after about 5 hours of installing this, I got it. Then, when I cleared the tables off the database and made a fresh install, everything was fine again! All my file permissions and database tables were correct and I have the latest LAMP installed.
-- The second one was this:
Here, whenever i make a comment on a discussion, the comment is lodged in form of the discussion title. Every friggin time the same thing happened. Although the Activity view was working fine and was accepting comments normally.
I also have a vanilla installed and it works completely fine. So I guess these are glitches in code somewhere.
Anyways, I want to say that the upcoming version is really cool. The vides and tutorial links on a separate page was a good idea. And the new BitterSweet theme really rocks! I just hoped there was some way to add more items to the topmost menu on that theme as currently it only contains the Home button.
I also really appreciate the table view integration into the core application.
This was just meant as a feedback. I understand that this is an unstable version and glitches are expected. This is some seriously good work. I just hope you guys get it stable soon!