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Can't recieve confirmation email

edited September 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I just started a new forum with vanilla. This is my first time working with the software, and I'm not incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to css and html. I've got it mostly set up, but I'm running into an issue with member confirmation. People are not receiving the confirmation email, leaving them as applicants.


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    still receiving the bug, and when some users attempted to apply, they got this message "could not instantiate email" After that, it says that somebody already has that email, which isn't the case. Eventually, it said that it sent the confirmation email, but it's still yet to be received. I created a user account with another email that I have, and I haven't received the confirmation email either. If anybody could help with this, I'd greatly appreciate it.

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    I'm facing the same issue as well.. is there any way to solve the problem?

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