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bizarre registration anomoly???

edited May 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
i just tested out creating a new user account, however when i did and i entered my information it said that i would have to wait to be approved before entering the forum... well i logged back in as admin and it said that the new user was already logged in and that there were 0 membership applicants. now i DO have the setting Allow Non-Members to browse the forum checked off - would this cause a new membership to auto-approve? thanks...


  • if this is a 1.0 pre-release/svn related question, copy it over there so it doesn't get lost. But to answer the question, I've just recently reinstalled a pre-release copy myself and noticed this as well. By default, Vanilla is treated as an "open registration" type of forum, you can double check by logging in with the account you created. However, registration management hasn't changed to such a degree that creating an open vs closed forum based on settings should be basically easy to set up as I've chalked it up on the wiki many moons ago. But yeah, that message in general appears a bit off, as if you can already browse and post to the forums and the registration is indeed open, it should confirm that your account has been created and automatically approved instead of saying "you have to wait to be approved". That or just sign you in after you've filled out those forms so we can then cheat on not having to modify any more of the language files :D
  • i guess i want to know if there is a way to browse the forum anonymously but still have to be approved after joining.
  • You mean exactly like this community runs? :)
  • i guess i want to know if there is a way to browse the forum anonymously but still have to be approved after joining.

    Answer: Simply keep your forum settings to allow non-members to browse the forums like normal. But then simply change your registration settings to treat the new member role as: Applicant. Then the approval role will be whatever you want them to become after you approve them (idealy this would remain as "member").

    Hmmm, I do think I should rewrite that wiki entry now....
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    This sounds like a bug... I'll have to look into it.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I tested this locally and it worked fine. I set the "New member role" to "Member" from "Applicant". Then I signed out and registered and it sent me straight through to the discussion forum where I was signed in and able to post.
  • i think i had messed up... sorry for the confusion.
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