Vanilla hosting and my own infrastructure

phreakphreak MVP
edited October 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hi all, Hi Vanillas,

I run a network of 14 parenting pages and started 6 years ago. Media agencies and clients buy advertising and besides of that i run Google Adsense.

I'd be interested to run the my forum ( on a Vanilla Hosting Plan. Even though it's pretty difficult because i still have several other CMS, Newsletter-Software and other things related to running on the server. I don't need the hosting but my community could need the features.

All my architecture (2 Terra-Server, 50 clients, 130 domains, 320 email-boxes, etc.) works perfect for me, regarding handling, etc. So can anyone give me an idea how i could ge my architecture and the hosted vanilla board together?


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