Text Only Mode

edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm not sure if this is a a function of how Lussumo works or not, maybe someone could shed some light.

When you view the board with Text-Only mode is OFF everything looks formatted properly. However, when you view it in text mode, it shows all the html tags. Would it make more sense that if you turn on Text Only mode it strips out all the tags of the posts and only shows the actual text?


  • Text only mode just disables the formatters so stop html/etc acting and e.g. displaying images which are NSFW if someone has img src'd them. Stripping out the actual code so it was cleaner would put unnecessary strain on the formatters i think.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    It depends on your use.

    The original idea behind it is to allow you to see the html at the very least, and then unblock the comment if you choose.

    This works great when say, someone posts an image. You can see the url of the image and decide if you want to view it or not.

    It just keeps things safe at work.
  • sounds good... ill pass along that info...
  • blizeHblizeH ✭✭
    Is there anyway to put this option onto the control panel as apposed to on the sidebar? I only say this becuase it doesn't look quite right on Jazzman's theme which some of our board members use.
  • edited May 2008
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