[gitHub Bug #1452] [vanilla 2.1]Getting a blank page on WhosOnline setting in dashboard

I uploaded the plugin and changed the owner of all files to web server user (www-data), then get a blank page in the dashboard when setting whos online.
Then I got this article, but the cache folder and it's children are already writeable. Even if I chmod -R 777 cache/
sames not work anyway.
Then I enabled the "Debugger" plugin. Nothing changing.
So I read this article. Added $Configuration['Garden']['Errors']['MasterView'] = 'deverror.master.php';
to "conf/config.php", the setting page (/plugin/whosonline) still blank.
Then another try. I edited the "php.ini“ fiile, setdisplay_errors = On error_reporting = E_ALL & E_STRICT
Errors still not displayed and HTTP statue still "200".
Error Url:
page empty, but HTTP statue 200.
And another question by the way: How can I add "This discussion is related to the WhosOnline addon." to this post?
In the meantime, can you post a bug report on gitHub? Report the bug number here?
That is a really good question and I wish we could do that, but not at the moment. Noworries, 'WhosOnline' is in the title.
There was an error rendering this rich post.
Have you tried checking the source files for instances of
? These needs to be changed to$
instead. I don't remember the exact reason why as I'm no PHP developer but there are quite a few discussions related to this on the forums.P.S.: Here's a related discussion: http://vanillaforums.org/discussion/comment/134464/#Comment_134464
...and another one with the explanation of why: http://vanillaforums.org/discussion/comment/154938/#Comment_154938
Kasper Kronborg Isager (kasperisager) | Freelance Developer @Vanilla | Hit me up: Google Mail or Vanilla Mail | Find me on GitHub
@UnderDog Thanks for your suggestion. I reported it to github #1452, but I'm not pretty sure does it help with these little information.
@kasperisager thanks a lot, but it sames that way couldn't fix this issue.
@kasperisager Please forgive me for my arbitrary.
I edit the "class.whosonlinemodule.php" file and get that conclusion, but the plugin maybe initiated in "default.php", and when I change it in your way in this file, it works.
Thanks again.
as mentioned for all 2.1 plugins.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.