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Enable HTML formatting
Hey, just wanted to say how awesome I think this application is. I just installed it yesterday at a new forum site I'm working on and it's great.
Do have some minor questions I hope somebody here will be able to field. See at the bottom of this comment form, there's a little radio button thing that says "Format comments as () Text () Html"? How do I get that to work on mine? (I also don't seem to have that thing that says "Text-only mode is OFF (turn on)" - is that an extension? Are they somehow connected?)
I posted some HTML in a comment, and nothing happened. Samething when I tried switching it to BBcode. Sorry if this has been addressed elsewhere already. I did a search, but couldn't find anything that seemed to solve it. I am using the pre-release of version 1.
Do have some minor questions I hope somebody here will be able to field. See at the bottom of this comment form, there's a little radio button thing that says "Format comments as () Text () Html"? How do I get that to work on mine? (I also don't seem to have that thing that says "Text-only mode is OFF (turn on)" - is that an extension? Are they somehow connected?)
I posted some HTML in a comment, and nothing happened. Samething when I tried switching it to BBcode. Sorry if this has been addressed elsewhere already. I did a search, but couldn't find anything that seemed to solve it. I am using the pre-release of version 1.
This discussion has been closed.
I did, however, download the older version though, which I think does have that extension in it. Can I just drop that extension into v1? Let me check... nope. That doesn't work.
According to readme's in other extensions, it says you have to make a unique folder inside "extensions" in this version, such as:
Okay, I made a folder inside extensions called HtmlFormatter and then renamed the file to "default.php". Lets see if that works.... Okay, that extension now shows up when I go to Settings > Manage Extensions.
BUT... it looks like it broke something along the way. When I navigate to a page where I tried using blockquotes, I get this error: It did, however, still apply the blockquotes in my text, so that's cool. But it also busted another extension I have "Extended Text Formatter" which turns plain text URL's into hyperlinks.
Any thoughts on how to proceed?