Remove Link from UserAnchor

akapopeakapope New
edited October 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Like the title says, I am trying to remove the link back to a users profile. Ideally it would only be removed from other user so that one user could not access another users profile. However, we can live with no one being able to access their profile.

I looked through a custom UserAnchor from the Anonymouse plugin, it is doing exactly what I want. But, when I try to implement it into the function.render.php file, I get no such results. In fact, nothing changes. Hell, I can comment out the entire UserAnchor, UserPhoto, UserBuilder, and UserURL and it change nothing on my site.

I know my system is set up right, if I fiddle too much I get "Bonk" errors and syntax errors. I'm at a loss.


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