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[solved] bookmarking?
Bookmarking isn't working on my 1.0 pre release version.
The option just doesn't appear to exist.
Is there a new setting I'm overlooking?
The option just doesn't appear to exist.
Is there a new setting I'm overlooking?
This discussion has been closed.
Are you saying that the "bookmark this discussion" option doesn't appear in your panel when viewing a discussion?
I get this error:
"Failed: undefined (undefined)"
And there seem to be no preferences or settings for bookmarks in either the board itself, or my profile/account.
Wonder what's up here? Anyone else have trouble with bookmarking?
-- classic error message
Why don't you try the standard ajax debugging method:
Open up js/ajax.js and uncomment line 50 so it looks like this:
document.location = DataSource;
This will make it so that the ajax request will instead redirect you to the page that performs the action. So, when you click any ajax button, if there it sends you to the wrong place, you will see where it is sending you and (hopefully) how to fix it. Alternately, if it does go to the right place, it should give you an error message indicating why the action didn't work.
I checked permissions all through the installed application, most everthing is 755, there are a few files in the appg folder which are 655
Disabled all extensions, same error.
The bookmarking display is working, I added a title for bookmarked topics and can now see that they have been bookmarked, but the error occurs when clicking "Bookmark this discussion" and "Unbookmark this discussion."
Nothing shows up in the sidebar either, no bookmark list.
I don't get it.
On a shared linux host, with apache, mysql db.
First of all:
Nothing shows up in the sidebar either, no bookmark list.
If you don't have any bookmarked discussions, you won't see anything in the sidebar. If you *do* have discussions bookmarked, you still won't see anything in the side bar UNLESS you go to your account / preferences and check the box next to "Display your bookmarks in the control panel".
Now, back to your error. Let's take it back a step further and see if we can find out where that alert message "failed: undefined (undefined)" is coming from.
I'd bet my ass that there is something wrong with your js file, because that error message occurs AFTER the ajax method has been called and has failed, so let's make sure that it is actually hitting line 50 of your ajax.js file.
Open up your js/ajax.php file and on line 49 add this:
alert('this is a test');
Then go back and try to bookmark something. If you don't get a "this is a test" alert but you do get the failed alert, then I still contend that you aren't viewing the latest version of your js file. But we can keep stepping back until you do see that message.
If, on the other hand, you DO see that message, then go back and edit it again. This time make that alert say:
alert('redirecting to '+DataSource);
Then go back and try to bookmark again. This time you should see where the ajax call was trying to send you.
That's enough for now, I guess.
Good luck
First, thank you for the time and guidance.
I've done the following:
In account settings, there doesn't appear to be a place to choose "Display bookmarks in the control panel," rather, I see Forum Preferences/Display list appendices in the control panel, and it's checked.
I added to line 49 of the ajax.js
When bookmarking or unbookmarking now I get both errors in unique windows. The topmost window says "this is a test" and the window below says "error: undefined (undefined)"
After adding the code to display the location vanilla is trying to send my browser to after bookmarking or unbookmarking, the errors behaves similarly, this time the error is: And again, it is the topmost error, and below is another window with my little friend: The ajax folder's permissions are set to 755
the switch.php is setto 755 as well.
Another thing to note:
When these lines are uncommented, vanilla cannot enable or disable any extensions. the error "failed to modify file" comes up, and that's all she wrote.
When I comment them again, the extensions behave as expected.
I have the "Discovery" extension enabled, but during the registration process, only the "why do you want to join" question displays, not the "how did you find out about this forum" question. This might be a clue, but since the bookmarking problem is the same with or without any extensions at all, this might not matter at all.
1. The "Display bookmarks in the control panel" is an extension. I don't think it's in the add-on directory yet, but you can get it from svn here:
It's called "PanelLists".
Now, on to the js bug...
Once the PanelLists extension was installed, set to 755, and then activated the board behaves just like this one.
That's it.
I guess it wasn't in the pre release version 1 zip. It is now.
Interesting process,this code is beautiful.
But that bug shouldn't be happening. I'm going to investigate further and see if I can duplicate by disabling that extension on my local install.
If I can duplicate it, that's a huge bug you found. Thanks!
I'll let you know what happens.