Vanilla Comments (integration from forum post to website post and vice versa)

edited October 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Question and an issue with the Vanilla comments plugin for Wordpress:

Question - Is there an option to have new discussions made in the forum create a new post on my Wordpress website? Images, video embeds, audio embeds and all?

Issue - When using the Vanilla comments plugin for Wordpress and creating a new post on my Wordpress site, it creates a discussion in my forum with comments integrated (which is very lovely), but the forum posts do not support video or audio embeds, do not show the text content, and only gives a link to the Wordpress post. Is there a way to get a clean copy of what I post on my website to have it posted exactly the way it is in my (self-hosted) Vanilla forum?

Thank you much!


  • And I did a search for this on the forums, but couldn't find anything. Please point me in the right direction if this type of question / issue has already been addressed. Thanks.

  • Any help? I'm kind of relying on some information about this to continue to use Vanilla or not. :(

  • x00x00 MVP
    edited October 2012

    The system relies on scraping the content directly of the page. Naturally the content is filtered by your formatter on output. So it would naturally remove any code that could be potentially harmful.

    Now I can't remember if the scraping removes embed, it also depends on the form the the youtube is embedded. It may strip most of the markup before it is inserted in the db.

    The scraping relies it either being able to find what it think would be the first paragraph (it can only guess with countless wordpress theme), or it you ensure that an excerpt is in the meta description, it will take that.

    Note duplicated content, is a no, no for SEO. So really you should at the most take an excerpt. I suspect the solution you want is not available yet.

    Due to methods use this may not be a viable solution for privates sites (although SEO would be irrelevant). It also mains anythign that is loaded dynamically wouldn't be included, as curl is not a browser, it takes the raw code.

    What I suggest is for some javascript to automatically detect these post, then insert the content dynamically, I also recommend the excellent wordpress json api, to fetch just the article.

    This would require development an knowledge, or get someone to do it for you.

    grep is your friend.

  • Thanks so much for the all the information. I am no developer or have the resources to hire one at the moment. Unfortunately, this is a function that I must have ready and built-in. I will look into other alternatives. Thanks again!

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