Is there a way to enable notifications for new applicants and new posts?

I've had a good hunt around, but I can't find anything.

I'm using Vanilla

Thanks, Dave


  • I'm actually also looking for those settings. Would appreciate help.


  • in vanilla

    a) not really a notification:
    if you have approval method - you should see an applicants menu item with the number of new applicants.

    if you click allow advance notifications in permissions for administrator - you will get options in the preferences for the admins for

     Notify me when people start new discussions.
     Notify me when people comment on a discussion.

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

  • Thanks peregrine. I couldn't see any option for or like "allow advance notifications".

    Can you tell me where that is?

  • In fact, I couldn't see "preferences for the admins" either. The only prefs I can find are on my user profile, and I'm an admin (obviously).

    I'm quite happy to jump into the database and start setting values there if I have to.

  • OK. Am just going to heck the core and add the mail() command to the right files.

  • just because you are admin doesn't mean all permissions are checked. you have to adjust as needed.

    admin permissions for role.

    Check all permissions that apply to this role:
    Garden  Add Allow   Approve Delete  Edit    Manage  View

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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