Problem Installing Vanilla in Sub directory of Wordpress

edited October 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I had installed wordpress at home directory and vanilla forum at Developers directory. I had no issues since past few months but my vanilla forum stopped working recently. Visit the link for the forum mentioned above and you'll see that only home page is working. If you click on any other link, it takes back you to wordpress and says that page not found. Please guide me if anyone knows what to do. But I am still surprised how it worked earlier without any issues.


  • I don't see any issue. Can you provide a link where it is not working?

  • I had temporarily disabled the wordpress. Please check the same links again.

  • OnlyAnExcuseOnlyAnExcuse ✭✭
    edited October 2012

    It's giving a 404 error when you try to click links within the forum.

    Have you changed Wordpress' permalink structure lately or the .htaccess file?

    Try add this to your .htaccess file in your Wordpress root. Add it ABOVE the stuff that's already there:

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/developers

    This should tell Wordpress to ignore applying the rules to the subdirectory (in this case, Vanilla forum in /developers )

  • I've already tried it but failed. I think this code ignores a particular subdirectory but not subdirectories of that subdirectory. Although I don't know the syntax, is there any wild card operator that can be used to point everything/anything in a specific URL?

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