font looks weird (noise theme, chrome browser) and I need to translate a text and need to know how*

denizdeniz New
edited November 2012 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

i want to mention about two strangness on my forum,
the first is, i use google chrome and my forum looks weird, the texts look bad (i use noıse theme) where can i adjust the look of my forum
becauce i observe that while browser uploud my site, at the first moments my site looks very normal and then change to weird in a sudden

the other problem is the part that i show in the image can not be translated,
i put the local code, please check i

$Definition['It looks like you\'re new here. If you want to take part in the discussions, click one of these buttons!'] = 'Sanırım burada yenisiniz, Eğer konulara katılmak istiyorsanız bir butona tıklayınız!';


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