Adding Modules to Mobile Theme

Hi everybody,
I've gone through several postings and the documentation here, but i wasn't able to integrate modules that are usually in the panel into the mobile version. Plugins like WhosOnline and other doesn't seem to work, while others that are loaded into the MessageBody appear, just by adding MobileFriendly.
First i tried to insert the Panel like this {asset name="Panel"} - Didn't work, also that's not what i want to achieve.
Then i added modules in DIV-Containers like this.
<?php $Sender->AddModule('WhosOnline'); ?>
<?php $this->AddModule('WhosOnline'); ?>
I also made the WhosOnline Module "mobileFriendly", but it doesn't appear.
2.) I'd like to add the Activity Wall to my mobile theme. But i couldn't find a way in the documentation. How did you do it?
Can someone hint me to a solution regarding this two?
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Yes, instead of making the mobile theme mobile unfriendly , why don't you put a link to the full site on the mobile theme, and a link back to the mobile version from the full site.
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@vrijvlinder: Great, since 2006 on the board and people tent to answer me questions like this.
@phreak Ok if you want to put a panel in the mobile then you need to alter the default.master.tpl and add {asset name="Panel"} (plus all the links that go with it just like in the "Head")where you want it to appear.
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like vrijvlinder says, modules have to be added somewhere, usually an asset.
so you insert the asset, in you theme. You may call the module in a theme hook, or directly before the asset. Don't assume that it will automatically loaded.
phreak you would do well to listen to vrijvlinder instead of being defensive, it is irrelevant how long you have been here, that was good advice. Take or leave.
Mobile has a limited mount of space, usually the best strategy is use the full width in a fluid fashion.
So if you want to have some of the same assets, you need to implement them in that way.
grep is your friend.
@vrijvlinder and @x00: Thank you guys, that is what i was looking for to start experimenting. I just didn't know that modules need to be called extra.
And sorry, for the behaviour but i'm around the web and OS-scene for about 12 years, run more than 15 websites myself and made uncountable for clients, also mobile-sites. Sometimes i just want my question answered and not be treated as a noob. :-) Is like coming to a mac store and be treated as a hipster, than a guy who started painting with a G3.
Thanx for the advice.
no problem, we are all noobs , until we learn , then we pass it on , but still noobs lol and that is ok coz if you know everything there is not much left to live for !!
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