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Vanilla for Summer of Code 2007?

edited May 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I know there are restrictions for this to happen, and I know certain aspects of it just raises the hair in my neck (propably in Mark's aswell). But, have you seen the attenttion all the Mentoring Organizations have had? All of a sudden (I bet it's because of Google, they make Open Source cool) some open source projects have been taken seriously by larger corporate entities, like Drupal for example. But what are your opinions about Summer of Code in general, good, bad, don't care about? Voice your opinions.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I was under the impression that it was for students to get in and learn. I don't want my code getting mucked up by someone who doesn't know what they are doing. On the other hand, I'd be all for them getting in there and coming up with new extensions. That would be awesome. Isn't it too late to get in on it?
  • I think it's too late for this year, that is why the SOC 2007. And while those people are students, I know few of the contributors and I think one of them has even more experience than you do ;) Or atleast that is the impression on a guy who teaches programming in polytechnic. But granted, there are alot of students that haven't done any open source development and might not be experienced. You should look it this way, I might become a student and I have been coding things for several years, if I knew any PHP I could come up with nice extensions. Reading the SOC page, I'm under the impression that there is no limit to what you can make them do if they accept the position, you could make them do extensions, maybe even translations and themes.
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