Flag as offensive/inappropriate addon functionality?

Hey all,

Apologies if this is obvious, but I can't seem to find an answer anywhere.

On these forums, there's the nice Flag/LOL/etc. options on each post.

I'm looking to add functionality to my self-hosted forum specifically for community "flag" moderation. I'd like to have a 'Flag this post' option on every post, and when it's clicked by any visitor, it notifies the moderators in one way or another.

Does this functionality exist natively or as an addon?

Thanks for the help.


  • Yes, it comes with the standard vanilla but needs to be activated in the plugins section of your dashboard. The plugin is called "Flagging".

  • @HalfCat Thanks a lot for the response. It's so simple! I had turned on the plugin, but hadn't enabled it in the settings page.


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