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Blizzard don't respect their own franchise!

edited May 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Today there was an announcement of adding the Draenei to Alliance ranks. Draenei that look nothing of Draenei to the eye of a Blizzard fanboy, and more like Eredar the species of Archimonde and Kil'Jaeden. Why didn't they just invent a new name instead of use the likeness of one race and the name of another race, both of them that are very recognizable, and even the background doesn't add up, these Draenei can be Paladin, since when did Order of Silver Hand (or Holy Order for that matter) accept demons in their ranks? So siphoning dark magic doesn't account a violation of the Order since Arthas turned evil and destroyed the Silver Hand, well that is nice to know if I ever want to turn in to a Warlock and later join the Paladin :D


  • edited May 2006
    lol. for the horde! edit: where are you getting your info, btw? i've already read two or three things about this, but have yet to see anything even remotely "official". also, have you seen the tier 3 armor graphics?
  • edit: where are you getting your info, btw? i've already read two or three things about this, but have yet to see anything even remotely "official".

    Well you are talking to the foremost fan of Blizz ;)

    It was an announcement at E3, have you hear of the movie yet? A WoW movie, produced by Legendary Pictures (Batman Begins, Superman Returns) that would be awesome.

    Nothing solid on Tier 3 armors yet, but you'll be able to tell I have heard something when my ears turn red.
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