Emotify from Vanilla Plugin Bundle vs. Emotify Plugin Download

I have found that there is a discrepancy in the javascript that comes with the Plugin Bundle and the stand alone download.

After installing 6 forums. I had the same problem initially with all of them with Emotify not working. Searching for the problem I compared the versions that worked with the one that comes with Vanilla.

this is the one that comes with Vanilla in the bundle which does not work

  // Insert a clickable icon list after the textbox
  $('textarea#Form_Body').livequery(function() {
     // Pick up the emoticons from the def list
    var emoticons = gdn.definition('Emoticons', false);

    if (emoticons)
        emoticons = eval("("+$.base64Decode(emoticons)+")");
    var buts = '';
     var last = '';
    for (e in emoticons) {
        // no duplicates
        if (last != emoticons[e]) {
          last = emoticons[e];
          buts += ''+e+'';
      Emoticons \
      "+buts+" \
    $('.EmotifyDropdown').live('click', function() {
      if ($(this).hasClass('EmotifyDropdownActive'))

   etcetera etcetera

and this is the one from the download which does work

 * This is a modified version of Ben Alman's dual GPL/MIT licensed "Javascript
 * Emotify" jQuery plugin.

// About: License
// Copyright (c) 2009 "Cowboy" Ben Alman,
// Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
// http://benalman.com/about/license/

window.emotify = (function(){
  var emotify,
    emoticons = {},
    lookup = [];
  emotify = function(txt, callback) {
    callback = callback || function(cssSuffix, smiley) {
      return '' + smiley + '';
   etcetera way more in this one !!

please advise people of this problem, or if you have this problem you know how to fix it.

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