Problem with custom theme 2.1

Hi there.
I have tried now for awhile but i can understand why I can't change a custom theme in vanilla 2.1.
The default.master.tpl is working fine, I can change anything there and it's change. But when i add or change something in custom.css nothing happens. I use firebug and when I look where the sites get the style from it says: myroot/utility/css/style/style-some numbers.
And it seams that it's not loading my custom.css file. So I wonder what i'm doing wrong?
in vanilla - you used to remove the ini files from cache
this doesn't seem to be the case anymore. in 2.1
so try try changing to a different theme and changing back.
maybe it will resolve.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Infact, I also had this proble. Styles were coming from non existant myroot/utility/css/style/style-some numbers
What I did? Downloaded new vanilla from Github and it worked like a charm :P
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I have tried that, and it doesn't work. I just checked, and it seams that vanilla creates a css file in the cashe folder every time the site is loaded/change. When i deleted this files the sites change. But is also created a new one. Is there any way to disable this one when I'm doing a theme?
@aery what version do you have? I'm using the latest one. Just downloaded it.
funny. I can modify the custom.css in vanilla 2.1 and it works for me.
maybe this will help - are you using apache or nginx.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I'm using apache on a localhost
@zar3x 2.1a26 on WAMP I downloaded sometime back.
Have you tried unlocking zip after downloading from the properties menu before extracting?
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I suspect the problem is due to some caching issue you have.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Did try it now. But still the same problem. Vanilla creates a style-somenumbers.css file in cashe/css And i can change the theme and so on every time I delete the style file in cashe. But direct after i click refresh it create a new style file. Fine I can delete the file every time I change something in my custom.css. But it is a little annoying...
@peregrine Well I think so to, But I can't find the problem :P I have no problem with vanilla 2.0 and no problem with vanilla some early realize of vanilla 2,1 bec I did a theme for that. Then a new vanilla 2.1 alpha realize got out and I installed that one. And now it is not working :P
but you solved the problem correct with your css changes taking effect - despite it being annoying.
todd - already mentioned - he is going to add an option in the link I provided.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@peregrine well i guess I can say that :P so I will do this so far and see what happens when a new alpha realize get out
@zar3x your answer is here-
So, download a20+ untill things settle.
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@aery Well if i understand you right. should i download a earlyer realize of vanilla 2.1?
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