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Vanilla 2.1 not saving in the Session table/ setting the Session cookie [Secury Attack]

I was trying to implement an SSO , but using vanilla as the login provider. I'm, using the 2.1a33
I was trying to intercept the VanillaSession cookie and checking against the database, but now , for no reason Vanilla stopped to produce this cookie, and is not populating the database anymore.

By debugging looks like Vanilla is using this Vanilla cookie, that have 5 things thereto separated by |

($HashKey, $CookieHash, $Time, $UserID, $Expiration)

As the Hashkey and CookieHash is not stored anywhere, and they have public algorithms, I can craft a cookie and impersonate any user by just setting the userid and hashing it.

I really don't know what make my vanilla installation stop using the Session table and VanillaSession cookie, but just to make a warning that this behavior can be very insecure.


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    Forgot about it, I didn't realized that this hash is salted.

  • Options

    Well naturally, there is more to that still.

    If you have concern like this the for it is on github.

    grep is your friend.

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