Porting Vanilla to ColdFusion

The ColdFusion community needs a great forum package and Vanilla is pretty much at the top of the list.

I've been given the blessing from the Vanilla team to start converting the code to CFML. This is going to be a huge task and while I am good at CFML, I haven't worked with PHP in several years. So, I'm here to plead and beg for any assistance from anyone that has CFML and PHP experience, or a PHP programmer that is willing to help me better understand PHP.

If you are interested, please contact me.


Gary Funk


  • Can I ask what is the point? For fun?

    Why not just plonk the the framework on you server an server php for vanilla?

    I remember in the ruby/rails community there was few good forum options (other then the legendary and compact "beast"), I wouldn't be surprised if there still isn't. It is just not the type of development they are doing. They don't loose sleep over it.

    But honestly it doesn't matter, becuase there is no issue with just serving php form some of your apps.

    RoR own site form many years was php, and they made no bones about it. it was simple to set up.

    I'm not offering my services just curious.

    Whilst it think Garden is a great transportable framework (vanilla framework). I was kind of on the fence as to why they didn't use a pre existing framework when the went to 2.0.

    Personally I think it was a success in the end, but it was some work to do it from scratch. But don't do it if you want to be developing stuff on it any time soon.

    I would figure out what sort of MVC framework you want, whether a Garden like framework takes you fancy, or if you wish to use a pre exiting framework, then work on the what it is you want to emulate of vanilla.

    In fairness quite a bit that is vanilla is core to the framework, but you could achieve this through various means.

    grep is your friend.

  • Two reasons. Not all servers have PHP installed. Some agencies do not allow PHP to be installed on a secure server.

  • By implication you are saying PHP make a sever insecure, and Cold Fusion would be different. Not the case. It is the server admin that is responsible for server security. Besides you don't have to run it on a secure server if you don't want to.

    Anyway have a go with it. I would look at the core features, and see if you can replicate them, either from scratch, or using a lower level framework.

    grep is your friend.

  • I am not saying anything by implication. Simply stating two facts.

  • K. Go for it then. I would inspect the dispatcher understand how it works work out from that. You are not going to get anyone to walk you through it, you'd have to figure it out yourself.

    grep is your friend.

  • @x00 said:
    By implication you are saying PHP make a sever insecure, and Cold Fusion would be different.

    I don't see how he said anything of the sort. I would guess he has a client that runs servers of a certain environment and they aren't willing to change anything. Not uncommon.

  • He said they would refuse to run it on a secure server, rather the a specific environment.

    I believe him when he says he didn't mean anything by implication, but have met server admin who do believe such things, so it is not really a far fetched thing to say.

    grep is your friend.

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