How to integrate with Get Response?

I want to integrate my forum with Get Response email marketing so that when I user signs up to my forum they are automatically put onto my mailing list.
Is this possible? How would I do it?
I want to integrate my forum with Get Response email marketing so that when I user signs up to my forum they are automatically put onto my mailing list.
Is this possible? How would I do it?
I am not familiar with GetResponse but it should very well be possible. You need to write a plugin that hooks into the registration process and integrates GetResponse's API.
Or you can hire somebody to do it for you.
However, please keep in mind that, most probably, you will have to give your API keys for the development. GetResponse and it doesn't provide a free API key, and not many developers are willing to pay a monthly fee just to have access to it, especially if they don't use the web application themselves.
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Hmmm might be willing to hire someone if it's not too much.
There are lots of wordpress plugins that hook into various email marketing software. It seems integrating with email marketing software is not the hard part, so a plugin wouldn't have to be designed specifically for GetResponse but could be useful for all of them. But saying that I am a code novice so not sure if it's something in my capabilities.
Would be a great plugin for the community if anyone wanted to run with the idea.
I'm not offering to do it
if you give the definition of "not too much" that might help someone else.
but usually "might" and "if it's not too much" used in the same sentence usually means "please do it for free" from my experience.
if I could only click lol on my own post, because I'm laughing now.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I am a Developer, I am for hire and I provide quality results, at the right price.
In this case, I can give you some free, valuable advice about your reply, so that you can improve your chances of getting help. Short summary, your comment diminishes the value of Developer's work, and gives the impression that you are trying to convince someone to do the work for free. That's the wrong way of proposing a collaboration.
To be more precise, here's what is wrong
- Not too much. In the free market, if you need something that few people sell, you must expect higher prices. What you are looking for is a marketing tool, and marketing tools translate into ROI. It's not just something funny for a teenager's MineCraft forum, it has a commercial value (marketing is where the $$$ are) and, thus, its price rises.
- There are lots of wordpress plugins. The fact that there are lots of WP Plugins means nothing. Vanilla is not WordPress. Don't assume that everything can just be copied, it's never so simple. If it were, you would have done it yourself.
- It seems integrating with email marketing software is not the hard part ... But saying that I am a code novice. This the usual contradiction, the one I was expecting the most. I know that it's easy, but I don't know how to do it. In such case, with all due respect, you can't judge.
- Would be a great plugin for the community. Very common sentence on Vanilla Community. Truth is, such a plugin would benefit you first, and maybe a few other Users. In fact, I don't think anybody ever expressed such need. Playing the "greater good" card doesn't work.
A non technical metaphor may make things clearer
I need a certified translation in Japanese of a legal document. Since Japanese seems an easy language (of which I don't speak a word), I'm expecting the translation to be very cheap. Besides, there is a billion people speaking Chinese already, they can't be that different. Actually, I might ask the translator if he would like to do it for the community. I'm sure that everybody would love to learn how to deal with legal matters between UK and Japan.
One note
I met a few Developers on this Community. Most of them seem skilled to me, but I'm quite sure they won't work at the rates usually found on Elance or Odesk. If you find one who does it, don't expect to get anything that works.
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Sorry if that was out of line. Yes I guess it was a vague attempt of hoping someone would attempt the plugin, but not in any sinister kind of way.
I genuinely have no idea how much it costs (in time or money) to develop a plugin, so forgive the ignorance. But much would you charge for this?
@thecashbag Don't worry, you're not the only one who went out of line. Many requests are written using the same "strategy", I hope that my answer will serve as a reference for the future.
Based on the information you have given so far, I reckon it could take about two to three days of work (a lot depends on the features that you would require). Depending on the hourly rate of the Developer, that could vary from a few to many hundred dollars (with corresponding quality).
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I promoted it, so it is in the best of...
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.