Transparent theme for embedded forums?

Okay, let me start off by saying I really like vanilla and how well its embed function works. But here's my problem - I can't find a single theme with a transparent background that actually works with the latest version. I looked everywhere and the only one I could find was one called Clean, which looks great, but it doesn't seem to be compatible with the latest version of Vanilla(scrolling down when there are multiple posts is impossible).

So could you please direct me to a compatible theme with a transparent background, or if not, at least a tutorial on how to edit one to have a transparent background. Thank you.


  • I am assuming you want it transparent because you want to have an image behind it or you want the page background to show?

    not sure this will work but you can try ,

    body {

    I am not sure if this will yield a true transparent background, you might get a white background or whatever the default is for wherever it is that you embedded the forum. Making the embed transparent implies you can control what is behind it i.e. the color of the container or widget background. You may have to make it/them transparent too if you want the main body background to show.

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