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Wordpress Comments.


I am trying out the Vanilla forums and for it to replace my comments system. I've a few questions.

How can I turn off the extra url text that having the
Replace your blog's native commenting system with Vanilla comments. enables.

For example pages now display this:

When I would like them to remain:

2nd question.
Once I go to the thread that is created on Vanilla from the Wordpress blog post, if I click the link of the post it loads it within the iframe rather than back to the page. How can I change this so it doesn't load the original blog post within the forum thread's iframe?

3rd question.
The blog posts on the Wordpress site have a featured image, is it possible to include this on the auto-generated Vanilla thread?

4th question, and this is a related one to the 3rd one.
Rather than just displaying the link and the excerpt of the Wordpress blog post, is it possible to include all of the blog post?


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