Facebook Connect Issues on Bluehost
I installed the most recent stable version of Vanilla through simplescripts on bluehost... I enabled the Facebook connect plugin and created a new app with the settings all set properly... And it goes Bonk! No error code.
Do I need to downgrade to version 2.014a to get it to work or something? Don't worry about the secret showing. That will be reset.
You can test for yourself here... Just click the Facebook icon. It will log you in to facebook properly and authorize... Then it will go BONK when it tries to forward you back...
probably not -
have you considered reading the documentation on Bonk? and then proceeding further based on your error code.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Did you enable the plugin from dashboard ?
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Where is the documentation on Bonk? Whats strange is the URL on top appears proper...
a good start would be to click on the documentation link at the top of this page.
How much are you paying for me to read the documentation page and look for the word Bonk?
otoh - you could use the searchbox on the forum - but since its in the documentation - you would need to decide whether you want to search the forum for bonk or read the documentation on bonk or read the wiki on bonk.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Ok, here is the error code...
`Smarty error: the $compile_dir '/home2/designk3/public_html/yagergames/gooberland/cache/Smarty/compile' does not exist, or is not a directory.
The error occurred on or near: /home2/designk3/public_html/yagergames/gooberland/library/vendors/Smarty-2.6.25/libs/Smarty.class.php
1109: * @param integer $error_type
1110: */
1111: function trigger_error($error_msg, $error_type = E_USER_WARNING)
1112: {
1113: trigger_error("Smarty error: $error_msg", $error_type);
1114: }
1117: /**
[/home2/designk3/public_html/yagergames/gooberland/library/vendors/Smarty-2.6.25/libs/Smarty.class.php:1113] PHP::Gdn_ErrorHandler();
[/home2/designk3/public_html/yagergames/gooberland/library/vendors/Smarty-2.6.25/libs/internals/core.write_compiled_resource.php:20] Smarty->trigger_error();
[/home2/designk3/public_html/yagergames/gooberland/library/vendors/Smarty-2.6.25/libs/Smarty.class.php:1451] PHP::smarty_core_write_compiled_resource();
[/home2/designk3/public_html/yagergames/gooberland/library/vendors/Smarty-2.6.25/libs/Smarty.class.php:1274] Smarty->_compile_resource();
[/home2/designk3/public_html/yagergames/gooberland/library/vendors/Smarty-2.6.25/libs/Smarty.class.php:1126] Smarty->fetch();
[/home2/designk3/public_html/yagergames/gooberland/library/core/class.smarty.php:81] Smarty->display();
[/home2/designk3/public_html/yagergames/gooberland/library/core/class.controller.php:1566] Gdn_Smarty->Render();
[/home2/designk3/public_html/yagergames/gooberland/library/core/class.controller.php:1141] Gdn_Controller->RenderMaster();
[/home2/designk3/public_html/yagergames/gooberland/library/core/class.pluggable.php:193] Gdn_Controller->xRender();
[/home2/designk3/public_html/yagergames/gooberland/applications/dashboard/controllers/class.entrycontroller.php:538] Gdn_Pluggable->__call();
[/home2/designk3/public_html/yagergames/gooberland/applications/dashboard/controllers/class.entrycontroller.php:538] EntryController->Render();
[/home2/designk3/public_html/yagergames/gooberland/library/core/class.dispatcher.php:322] EntryController->Connect();
[/home2/designk3/public_html/yagergames/gooberland/index.php:53] Gdn_Dispatcher->Dispatch();
Variables in local scope:`
your almost there, now use the search box
and type in
Smarty does not exist
and your solution will magically appear.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
I was looking for the search box... I still can't find it!
click on community and look on top right.
if you are on a mobile device you may need to click on full page view.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
look into the error logs in your website and look for a message like this example from a common bonk error:
The point of this is to find out the specific problem server side. Or contact your host and ask them to tell you where to find the error log. You may need to create a Smarty folder and compile folder inside it and put them In the cache folder.
In any case your error may be this:
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I got it working. Thanks guys! Why isn't the directory cache/Smarty/compile created in the install on bluehost? Someone needs to tell simplescripts to get that fixed... 755 permissions seem to be working.
see http://vanillaforums.org/discussion/comment/171828/#Comment_171828
would that someone be @reppinfreedom.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
@reppinfreedom it is greatly appreciated by the community here to get your reaction to the help provided. You can do that by hovering over below the comment and choose one of the options based on your experience.
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Oops, I thought it was fixed... Still working through issues. Well... That got me to another error. The "This authorization code has been used." error...
Which I fixed with the new version of the Facebook plugin I found here...
Now, I am onto my next error... LoL
`Could not instantiate mail function.
The error occurred on or near: /home2/designk3/public_html/yagergames/gooberland/library/vendors/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php
Make sure the names of the folders are correct. Notice Smarty is with capital S and the compile and cache are not, that is important or it will not work. I went through this so I know these are mistakes one can make.
About the mail error, that belongs in a new thread and it has to do with SMTP settings .
You can access the settings through the dashboard ? possibly change some permissions ?
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Ok, solved... You just need to set the name and email in Outgoing Email settings in the dashboard...
Phew... Now that was some "One-Click-Install"! Fingers crossed nothing else comes up.
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