How To Edit layout ( css) in Vanilla core 2

How To Edit layout ( css) in Vanilla core 2



  • Create 3 column in Vanilla forums plz you creating 3 column and give me..

  • sure, it'll cost about $150 usd 50% paid in advance along with a screen mockup or requirements specification at time of project initiation.

    you can submit payment by clicking the Donate button on the home page of

  • dear sir im not have money... "" it is 3 column in Vanilla forums plz send me custom.php file or your file..plz sir i love your site

  • plz sir how to you create 3 collems?

  • it totally depends on your requirements.

    maybe @422 is willing to provide a template, but i can't possibly explain css or php coding in a discussion thread.

    im very sorry, i mean no disrespect.

  • some good css resources were provided to you on your thread requesting a 3 column site layout

  • and to be frank, $150 is a steal, considering i dont really know you requirements and likely it would take me more than 2 hours to do the work.

  • That is very inexpensive, considering the time involved. @chathurra99 here is a link to free templates, however you will have to learn how to apply them. If you learn how to do all this, you will not need to pay to have it done, and you could even charge to make them. You need to learn this stuff for yourself. If people do it for you , then you will never learn and depend on people to help you....

  • edited December 2012

    @hbf said:
    and to be frank, $150 is a steal, considering i dont really know you requirements and likely it would take me more than 2 hours to do the work.

    I confirm, $150 is extremely cheap. $75/hour not so much, though. ;)

    Please note, you can charge as little as you like, but you will find plenty of people who will think it's too much (and, of course, expect a top class, 24/7 service after paying pennies).

  • The cheapest way is self-education always!
    The thing is people don't realize it does not end with the design, there are always more things that come up they expect to be done but was not part of the deal. Like if they say all they want is the banner to be there, you tell them how then it's the panel that they want to move, in the end you make it all and it took a month...
    The bills need to paid. The internet the electrical, software and education, one pays for those because one has to.

    The question is how much help they want to get for no effort on their part. It is unrealistic to expect all that in a self helped application. There is a slight learning curve which only lazy people can't dominate or are unwilling to learn.
    Not much you can do about that....

  • @businessdad said:
    Please note, you can charge as little as you like, but you will find plenty of people who will think it's too much (and, of course, expect a top class, 24/7 service after paying pennies).

    precisely. i didnt say i was cheap. i said i was offering to do the work for MUCH less than i would regularly charge for my time.

  • To be honest from a server host view. I own a server/website; and I did come here to get some help/advice. Since all I needed was a banner. I was told to learn things on my own and even though I am willing too. I have higher priorities than learning some scripting for a website that I'll soon forget. I got a job/studies so usually when I come to a place of help and ask if someone could tell me the code and I'd provide the banner I'd like to get that help. Normally I agree with charging something but I'm fairly content with default styles.

    I still don't have a banner but I have no interest trying to learn the work around on how to do something when It seems majority of this community is more content on saying "learn it yourself" But I am learning for myself so yeah, though it's a slow road.

    Plus I know there is a learning curve but it seems that learning curve for me is understanding someone else code instead of reading my own.

  • I have no interest trying to learn the work around on how to do something

    That is the problem , because either you just want the code for the banner div, or you want a full css tutorial. People willing to help do not know what your capacity is if you do not clarify how much you do know and understand so far. People guess based on your question how much you understand and know. That is how they are able to give the proper help. Asking the right question properly gets results.

    If you don't have a grasp of css and html at the level necessary to understand a simple explanation, then you need to acquire the knowledge on your own, that is how it is for everyone. People here are all willing to help but don't have time to give full tutorials. Not because they don't want to but because the resources like tutorials are all out there. Everyone who knows more than you do, does so because they had the interest or need to learn and they did.

    You can't blame people if they don't have the time to teach you everything you need to know before you delve into this application. There is documentation plenty about the application and how to customize. There is the wiki, there is a way to search for info covered before.

    Learning is never easy but we all had to break our brains in, why shouldn't you?

  • personally, i freely offer advice to those trying to figure stuff out. if you are here asking for something to be done for you then i expect to be compensated for my time. it's pretty black and white in my book.

    i love helping others learn, when they do, i get rewarded by seeing the community grow. i am also content with doing side jobs and being payed for them. pick your path, but one way or another i expect to be compensated for my time and effort.

  • @Fubarp

    You do realise that what you are effectively saying is:

    I am an extremely busy person

    I expect to be able to ask other people to do work that I can't or won't learn to do for me in their own time, for free

    And you are surprised you didn't get the response you wanted?

  • @hbf said:
    precisely. i didnt say i was cheap. i said i was offering to do the work for MUCH less than i would regularly charge for my time.

    To keep the OT going, I have to say that my hourly rate seems to be lower than yours (which somehow surprises me, as Ireland is considered an expensive place to do business), but I still get a lot of "too expensive" answers.

    Also, my Steam Login Plugin page gets dozens of visits, but a tiny fraction of the visitors actually orders the plugin. If that happened with all other pages, I would think it's just a matter of people browsing around, but that specific page has the most hits, which makes me think that Users would like to get the plugin, but are not willing to pay for it. I'm now waiting for someone to tell me that $10 is too expensive, considering that it would buy no more than five minutes of my time, and that the plugin comes with free support.

  • @businessdad said:
    Also, my Steam Login Plugin page gets dozens of visits, but a tiny fraction of the visitors actually orders the plugin. If that happened with all other pages, I would think it's just a matter of people browsing around, but that specific page has the most hits, which makes me think that Users would like to get the plugin, but are not willing to pay for it. I'm now waiting for someone to tell me that $10 is too expensive, considering that it would buy no more than five minutes of my time, and that the plugin comes with free support.

    well the hourly rate thing is a bit of a game isn't it? i usually quote a job at between 65-75/hr, depending on my mood more than anything. but ultimately, they are usually a FFP quote, so the effective rate just depends on how things turn out.

    that said, im not doing this as my primary source of income so i only take a job here or there, when the specs are clear, i have a good design in my head, and the money is right.

    i don't envy your position.

  • @hbf said:
    i don't envy your position.

    To be honest, I also have a primary source of income that has little to do with Vanilla. I'm not in such a bad position after all, it's just that, sometimes, the sense of entitlement of Internet Users gets irritating. I know people who would rather waste a week looking for a cracked copy of a software, rather than paying a few bucks for it. "If it's on the Internet, it must be free" is their credo. That applies to software, games, movies, books...

    An ex colleague of mine once told me that he would never buy something that he could download from a warez website. Considering that he was earning about $3000/month, I was about to punch him...

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