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Signin form not display/ dissappears

Hi there, my new forum using Vanilla is

i have 2 problems.

1) I can't seem to be able to display the login form (pop-up) after i clicked on signin
2) After i have had my first time admin panel config (via dashboard), i cant seem to find anywhere to login anymore. Is the admin to login using the same signin button? If yes, the pop up is not displaying therefore i cant access to my dashboard anymore.

Can someone help me out there? Is this still a bug? I saw a couple of posts about similar issues, and i had followed their advise but none seems to be working.

Many thanks and hope some kind souls can help me out here... thanks! :"(


  • Is the admin to login using the same signin button?

    Yes and even if the popup does not pop up , it's stand alone page is:


    You should be able to open the sign-in in it's page .but It sends you back to the discussions page instead of the sign-in even though the url is correct.

    I am not sure how or where you installed Vanilla, the path seems to be in the root of your site instead of a directory named /forum / or whatever you want to name your forum.

    Try to reinstall Vanilla, but create a directory named forum where you will install it.
    Delete the forum from your root folder. Try to log into the dashboard.

  • Vanilla is perfectly fine when installed in root. However this looks like you have an incorrect .htaccess. Can you post your contents of it?

  • peregrineperegrine MVP
    edited December 2012


    also see this in the other thread where you posted the same question

    I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.

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