I want to display more than 10 users at a time. Where do I set that?

Hi, I enabled StopForumSpam, and it works wonderfully. No false positives to date, and it's stopping epic numbers of bots.
Unfortunately, I stopped watching the Manage Spam dashboard item for new applicants, and its grown in a short two weeks to something like 998 users (all spambots, all blocked!). However, I can only display 10 of them at a time, meaning I can only delete 10 of them at a time.
I want to display 100, 200 of them at a time so I can quickly delete them all. Where do I set that? I looked at the class.stopforumspam.plugin.php but see no hard "display 10" here (I don't know PHP, I just hack at scripts to change simple variables most of the time). Where do I set the number of users/items displayed in the StopForumSpam's "Manage Spam" menu item?
Ahhh, looks like this isn't distinctive to Stop Forum Spam, my bad. Still, any help locating that variable will be appreciated, if it's impossible to move this question out-of-relation to StopForumSpam...
read this discussion for another option also unrelated to stopforumspam
you might consider blocking ip cidr blocks via .htaccess - it might save you alot of time managing forum
report back if the cleanser plugin solved your problem.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
Heya Peregrine!
Interesting. I discovered something. Unfortunately, Cleanser wasn't super helpful (and unfortunately the ip addy range is so broad that the chance of false positives is high).
But your CleanLog addon here, which I have installed long ago:
was JUST what I was looking for, I just didn't realize it at the time!
I tested deleting batches of Unauthenticated, etc users with Cleanser, but ultimately the spam applicants didn't pop up under any user group. Turns out that since they were flagged as spam, they were already (and this was the part I missed) in the delete log already, they just had to be emptied with the delete/change log!
So using your CleanLog addon, I simply purged the changelog, and BOOM they were all gone.
So the answer was right under my nose all this time, an answer which YOU coded earlier for us! Thank you so much!
@Andy K
Discussion title needs to be changed to
"Hidden advantages to CleanLog"
The removal was probably the good karma you got from being a contributor to the Cleanlog add-on. Thanks again for your $$ contribution.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.