Assistance with mobile tpl please

Hi, I have made my first plugin to add a home page to the mobile . It is called MobileHome. Basically it's a page which you can use as an entry page/home page and add links and content even other pages pretty cool see it use phone or mobile user agent, this is only for mobile if you se it with normal browser it looks bad... Have not added content yet just testing if it works ...
My problem, how to add the link to the MobileHome page in the tpl of the mobile theme so it appears in the banner menu. I have added it in the hooks but I know it must be added in the tpl . Also added it to the smarty by way of a function. All that is left is to add it to the tpl but nothing I do to edit it is working and I must be doing something wrong.
What to use to edit? it has rich text, looks simple but wtf ?
If any one has time and advice I would appreciate it :0)
No hurry
tpl files are just basic text files so any text editor will work. what issue are you encountering? what have you actually tried and what was the result?
Vanilla Wiki, Tastes Great! 31,000 viewers can't be wrong. || Plugin Development Explained
@hbf yea tried it and I get a an error , the tpl in this theme has the vanilla link in it and it is in rich text format when I open with text edit, I tried to save it as rich text then as tpl then back again, not working so I dumped it and used a fresh one. I must not be doing something right coz it really looks simple no? lmao
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attach the file that contains rich text so i can check it out. tpl should be plain text. if you open in a rich text editor it may inadvertently insert extended characters into the file which will cause the script engine to barf.
Vanilla Wiki, Tastes Great! 31,000 viewers can't be wrong. || Plugin Development Explained
It wont let me attach a rich text file or a tpl ... I will upload it to a cloud an give the link tomorrow I'm sleepy it's 2 am lol, I also thought that but it won't accept a plain text version of the tpl so the rich text must be important. How mysterious ...
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